Ways to Support Louisiana Recovery by Adria Kimbrough

Walter M. Kimbrough
4 min readSep 6, 2021

My wife compiled a list of some different charities for people who want to support the recovery efforts. Here is the e-mail she sent out today.

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Dear Friends,

So many of you have reached out to offer your support, concern, and prayers to our family post-Hurricane Ida. We are so grateful. I am happy to report that we are safe and well. We evacuated to Florida last Tuesday and will return to New Orleans when it is safe to do so.

In the last week, our family has received more than our share of blessings. So, we invite you to join us in supporting organizations on the ground in New Orleans that are helping those who need it the most.

Please note that I am intentionally lifting up organizations led by Black people, who have prioritized Black people in their recovery efforts. We know that Black people play a huge part in what makes New Orleans the magical city that it is. We also know that Black people have been disproportionately impacted by this disaster. It just makes sense. Each organization is led by people I know, trust, and/or who I believe will be good stewards of your gift. It is a diverse list so, hopefully, you will find something that speaks to you.

Turning Tables New Orleans: Turning Tables supports Black and Brown New Orleanians who work in the hospitality industry. Let’s take care of the people who always take care of you when you are in NOLA. Donate today.

Southern Solidarity: Help support the unhoused/homeless of New Orleans, by supporting Southern Solidarity, a mutual aid organization that delivers food, medical resources, and basic needs to those without housing. Donate here.

Foundation for Louisiana: The Foundation for Louisiana is “the people’s foundation.” Support this Black-led social justice organization founded in the wake of Hurricane Katrina that is supporting efforts in New Orleans AND the coastal parishes to quickly get resources into the hands of real people.

Baldwin and Company: Support Baldwin and Company, a brand new FABULOUS Black-owned bookstore, named in honor of the great James Baldwin, that just opened in February of this year. The store suffered property/water damage, the loss of many books and, of course, the loss of business. Please support them by purchasing a gift card, buying books/audiobooks, or donating to their GoFundMe:

Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy: Consider donating to this Black-led, community-controlled fund led by those on the frontline of recovery efforts committed to rapid response. The Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy, a non-profit public interest law firm/justice organization, has a proven track record of working toward climate justice for communities of color on the Gulf Coast. Donate here:

Dillard University: Support Dillard University students who have been impacted by the storm by clicking here. These funds will be used to assist with housing, food, and other expenses associated with displacement from campus and storm related damages.

Join Me in Adopting a Family: I have decided to help a young family I know personally who evacuated. The mother is eight months pregnant and just recently recovered from COVID right before the storm. She also has 2 other children; one who is autistic. They cannot return to the city because her due date is approaching and the hospitals in the city are still recovering too. This young family has been on my heart and I want to help them with some of the evacuation related expenses they have incurred. If you would like to join me, you can send your donation to me via CashApp ($AdriaKimbrough) or Venmo (@Adria-Kimbrough) and put “Hurricane Ida” in the description.

Thanks so much. Have an enjoyable holiday weekend.




Walter M. Kimbrough

12th president of Philander Smith College. 7th president of Dillard University. Now in an Intermission.